Certified Chiropractics


Certified Chiropractor Services

Chiropractics is a relatively new field in Hyderabad, and in India, in general.

Chiropractors examine a patient’s spinal alignment to check for abnormalities like subluxations, misalignment, scoliosis, stiff spinal segments, etc. They then come up with a treatment plan and monitor progress.

Chiropractors do not prescribe pain medicines. Instead, the primary therapy is spinal manipulation, where they use hands or instruments to apply force to a joint in the spine or move the joint in a specific direction for better alignment.

Chiropractic treatment is a good pain-management resource, especially when used in conjunction with physiotherapy. This is because chiropractors help align the joints, but if the alignment has to be retained, one needs to incorporate specific guided exercises (physiotherapy!) as well.

At Jaya Physio Clinics, we use a comprehensive approach to treat misaligned joints, by adopting techniques from physiotherapy, chiropractics, acupuncture, etc.

A chiropractor can treat:

  • Low back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Arthritis
  • Stiff spine
  • Temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
  • Some types of headache
  • Pain or issues after whiplash or an accident
  • Joint pain or joints that won't function properly

Please call 98496 95691 to ask about chiropractic adjustments at Jaya Physio Clinics.


  • Is chiropractic treatment effective? Can a chiropractor cure back pain/ neck pain permanently?

    Yes, chiropractic treatment is effective, when done in conjunction with physiotherapy. This is because chiropractors help align the joints, but if the alignment has to be retained, one needs to incorporate specific guided exercises as well.

    At Jaya Physio Clinics, we use a comprehensive approach to treat misaligned joints, by adopting techniques from physiotherapy, chiropractics, acupuncture, etc.

  • How often should I come to Jaya Physio Clinics for chiropractic sessions?

    As per the Chiropractor’s discretion.

  • What are the fees for a chiropractic session?

    This would depend on the condition and its severity.

    We would be able to tell you the exact treatment charges during the initial consultation, right after thoroughly examining you and your medical records.

  • Are there any side effects to chiropractic treatment?

    There may be occasional soreness in the area where the chiropractic adjustments were made. If a well-qualified chiropractor does the treatment, there generally are no side effects.

  • How to find a qualified chiropractor?

    Look for a physiotherapist trained/certified in Manipulative Therapy/Chiropractics/Osteopathy. The Chief Consultant at Jaya Physio Clinics, Dr. Kapil Chand Narra, was one of the first Chiropractors in Hyderabad. Many of his patients have found his treatment to be highly effective.

    Please call 98496 95691 to ask about chiropractic adjustments at Jaya Physio Clinics.

For more information, please contact Jaya Physio Clinics