We can arrange to send a physiotherapist to your home in Hyderabad. Please contact us at 98496 95691.
Geriatric physical therapy covers a wide area of problems concerning the elderly. There are many conditions that affect people as they grow older, including: Arthritis, osteoporosis, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, hip- and knee-joint replacement, balance disorders, incontinence, etc.
The health issues faced by senior citizens can be grouped into three categories:
*The problems that occur because the patient simply does not use their limbs or does not exercise. These issues can be addressed with physiotherapy via reconditioning through range of-motion and other exercises.
*Cardiovascular disease, like heart disease and stroke. The physiotherapist has an array of tools at his/her disposal to work with these conditions: Exercise, aqua therapy, electrical stimulation, etc.
*Skeletal problems, such as osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. These conditions require special attention from the physio: While osteoporosis makes patients more frail, osteoarthritis is very painful.
Cognizant of the natural aging process, our aim is to enable our elderly patients to function to the best of their current abilities.